Monday, November 4, 2013

Annual Meeting 2013 Recap

Our Annual Meeting & Seminar in Mansfield last week was a great success!!

Kathryn Keane held everyone's attention through all four sessions. She offered much information on FBAR, ACA, AMT and last, but certainly not least, Ethics in the Real World. The meeting was a wonderful opportunity to meet and converse with other members, ask those questions that we sometimes wonder such as, "Does this only happen in my office?" It is so very nice to discover that we all have the same issues. 

If you did not have the opportunity to attend this year you missed a great educational session and we hope you will make an effort to attend the next offering. All attendees this year received a Staples Gift Card from the Chapter as a thank you for participating in our seminar.

I am  happy to welcome two new members to the Board of Directors, Sharon Cummings and Tracey Bell. I look forward to working with them in the coming year. I personally want to thank Steve Garvey and Nina Marcinowski for their time on the Board. They will be missed but I know they will remain active members of the Chapter.

I welcome your new President, Walter Matisewski and new Vice-President, June Massee.

Also I am happy to announce that Bill Delaney will remain as Treasurer and Jeff Schweitzer will continue as Secretary.

Please watch the Chapter Weekly and our very own Blog for information on the next seminar in Sturbridge this coming January.

I would like to thank all the Board Members for making my time as President very enjoyable. I look forward to working with the new officers and the new board members to continue the growth and success of our Chapter.

To all members thank you for your participation in our seminars "You are the Chapter " and your involvement is what will make our chapter successful. Please feel free to contact myself or any board member with any ideas, questions or issues you want to discuss about the Chapter.

Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday Season, relax and rest, for we all know what is around that corner!

-Christine Miarecki, Immediate Past President

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