Thursday, September 24, 2015

Massachusetts/Rhode Island NATP Chapter Board Member Nominations

Pursuant to Article VI, section 2 of The Bylaws of the Massachusetts/Rhode Island Chapter of National Association of Tax Professionals, we, the nominating committee, appointed by Walter Matisewski, President and by the Board of Directors, hereby propose the following members to fill the expiring Director’s positions for the year ending December 31, 2015.

Region Term Name and Address
1 3 yr  June Massee - 21 Sperry Road, Blandford MA 01008
2 3 yr  Dorothy Dimo - 30 Lombard Street, Warren MA 01803
3 3 yr  Joseph Serrecchia - PO Box 273, Wakefield MA 01880
4 3 yr  Virginia Arlington - 2051 Acushnet Avenue, New Bedford MA MA 02745
5 3 yr  Paul DeBloise - 25 Waterfront Circle, Glendal RI 02826
5 3 yr  Louis Vastano Jr - 470 E. Greenwich Avenue, West Warwick RI 02893
At-Large 3 yr Kenneth Maloof - 25 Belmont Street, South Easton MA 02375

Furthermore, please be aware that under Article IV, section 5 of The Bylaws,, notice of the election shall be provided to every member 30 days prior to the date set to announce the result of the director elections.  The notice of election may be sent by ordinary mail as either a separate mailing or within other content such as a regular newsletter or other communication.

The election will be held on Tuesday, October 27th, 2015 at the annual meeting to be held at the Holiday Inn, Mansfield, MA.

Respectfully submitted:
Nomination Committee Members:
Sharon Cummings, Chair
Joseph Gerrior Jr
Michele Hurd

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